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- 4361 - Ultimate Team Battles Expansion Pack
- 3463 - Ultimate Team Battles
- 3041 - Axis vs Allies 2 Expansion
- 2773 - Caer Cadarn
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Highest Rated Team Netmaps (1 - 15) for Myth II
Axis vs Allies 2 Expansion
Axis vs Allies 2 Expansion now on The Tain!
The Green Divide
The Green Divide This map takes "The Great Divide" by Badlands and heavily modifies or replaces the layout, terrain, colormap, scenery, detail textures, and units. The result will be a familiar layout, but should play quite differently due to being more …
The Barrens MWC2020
This map was originally created by Rohan of MoR. I have added 3 new meshes (Trow, FG, Dark) and all of them have had the flags adjusted for FR and Territories. All 6 meshes have been slightly zoomed out as well.
Let Nyx Sort 'Em Out!
"Kill 'Em All and Let Nyx Sort 'Em Out!" A new battlefield from deep within Trow territory. This plugin features a 2 Team and 6 Team FFA. Please feel free to apply different unit trades etc. to this mesh- I get a kick out of seeing them in action. Since …
Fosgarach Ruillick
Fosgarach Ruillick is a two-team multiplayer mesh produced as part of the Chimera expansion pack. This is not the full Chimera plugin. This is a single multiplayer mesh, with all of the Chimera tags trimmed out to make a compact download size for …
Peace on the Ramparts TE
Tournament Edition of Peace on the Ramparts -Modified Flag placement -Added 2-team meshes with appropriate unit sets Original version by KillerK and Creation TE changes by HMP and Limp
Beckoning Wilds TE
Tournament Edition of Beckoning Wilds -New unit sets -Modified flag placement -Increased field of view Original version by Remedial TE changes by HMP and Limp
Going to Town TE
Tournament Edition Changes by HMP and Limp -New unit sets -Changed Flag placement Original version by Bungie
Caer Cadarn
Cleared by Northerners 10 years after the great war. A major trade route spread through the area, connecting the dwarves homeland and the western world. The area was originally a place of the cruelest wilderness, with only the bravest of warriors and …
Remnants of Harrenhall Beta 12~ 4th of July Edition! [beta]
So I am uploading a beta on here for dantski and friends to play for the mini tournament going on. My map is called Remnants of Harrenhall, and it should be pretty fun. It has five 2-team mesh variants, and four "FFA" type maps. CREDITS: This map was …
Myopia MWC2020
This is a plugin using a netmap originally created by Leadfeather. I have created 3 different variants for this plugin, using regular myth units, that will make it playable in the Myth World Cup. All of the 3rd party units in this plugin were made by …
Lichen Unto Death MWC2020
Originally created by Badlands, this map has received a serious overhaul. Three all new trades and flag placements. Created for 2 team in mind.
Borogrove MWC2020
Originally created by Leadfeather, this map has received a serious overhaul. Four all new trades and flag placements. Created for 2 team in mind.
Leagues from Nowhere MWC2020
This is a new take on the plugin "Leagues from Nowhere" which was originally created by Bungie as an FFA map. 4 all new trades with different flag placements.
One is Not Enough MWC2020
This map has 3 different meshes and is intended for 2 team tournament play. Hi-Definition textures are also included with the plugin file, please put both in your plugin folder!
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