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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:35 pm
by trickstapriest
My latest adventures with Loathing have hit a major snag. I can't seem to get TUNI to work right, and I don't know if it's my error or a bug.

My TUNI is to test to see whether a bunch of enemies are dead or not. It has a link to the monster subject group, a comparison (unit count ___= 0), and an Activates On Success action. The problem is that the TUNI always considers the test to be successful, regardless as to whether the men are dead or not. It isn't initially active, it's activated by the "Monster Appear" command at the same time as it activates the command to attack, using another Activates On Success. I have a much older TUNI for checking if the player is dead that is working, but it's active initially, not by a scripting command later.

I don't have time to test further now, and the map is showing another bug (despite the fact that I have very few creatures or objects on the map, it crashes whenever I try and save after adding more). Later I'm going to see if this is happening with ALL types of TUNI, or just the type of command I'm using.

If nothing else, this can be considered a bug report. I'm using the Loathing.beta 1.5 005 I found off the server. It already has the annoying bug of having the "Respawns Via Script" and "Uses Monster Entrance" flags flipped in the monster information dialog. (I -think- it's those two that are flipped...)

But, if this isn't a bug... any help on what I'm doing wrong here? It's kind of hard to make a map without TUNI unit checks working properly...

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:44 pm
by ChrisP
Try (unit count __ < 1) instead. I think someone once recommended to me to always do it that way, and I've never had a problem.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:21 pm
by Graydon
Put a 2 or 3 second delay on the tuni... it's firing the second you activate the CTRL to make your units visible.... it tests before they're actually visible, and it registers them as dead... and activates whatever is in it's ACOS field. Put a short delay on it and you'll be set. Also, when testing if units are all dead, try and use Less Than 1... GHOST figured it worked sometimes in places where = zero, didnt. :) Good luck.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:46 pm
by trickstapriest
ok. I tried it out and now it's working. It was the delay... I had already tried switching between < 1 and == 0 with no result. If it isn't one thing, it's another... ¬_¬ I'm trying to figure out now why a simple MUNG isn't working. -_- I'll figure this out on my own though, this looks like it could be simple as well.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:03 pm
by trickstapriest
On that beforementioned error... is there any reason why a Replace Parameters MUNG would fail? None of the Activates on Success commands work, but all of the Activates on Execution ones have an effect. If I have something in the Link field of the target Action already, it will use what's in the Link and not what it should be being replaced by. There's a time delay on the action (just a simple 'visible' unit control). Arg...