sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

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sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »

(P.S thanks to Jeoku by suggestion of the OBS video game recorder)

Sir Mauriac's Tale

Mauriac was a leader of men from his birth. Born into the royal family of Covenant he served as Prince regent during King Alric's adolescence, even though he himself was not that much older.

After the destruction of his city, he took up arms and vowed never to retreat again. Yet, at the battle of Grimace Point, he was the only survivor, as his men were destroyed by none other than the Ghol Fang Grinder.

Mauriac wandered the wilderness, unable to come to terms with his lost honor, until he reclaimed it by destroying Fang in the Ermine. Rejoining the Legion in the 17th year of the war, he immediately volunteered for a virtual suicide mission to Covenant to recover the Total Codex. In short, Mauriac survived, and recovered the Codex. He was Knighted Shortly After. Deemed 'too valuable' for front line duty, Mauriac, now known as Sir, was placed on supply detail, way behind the front lines. And so our story of his exploits for the remainder of the war begins...
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »

1º Level - "On the Road to Strand"

Wednesday November 19, On the road to Strand

Today We recieved our allocation of supplies from the town of Strand. We are holding them temporarily in a medium sized Inn, located on the side of the road.

We have Pushed the dark back over the mountains, yet I have seen little combat, in the recent fighting. Alric has deemed my position as more valuable in the rear, so here I am, even though I would be more comfortable in a front line position.

Small numbers of the Fallen are still occasionally showing themselves, but they appear disorganised and lost, and pose no threat to us, or our position.
Winter is here and we can feel it, but we have yet to recieve snow.

This morning I sent scouts to the North West before sunrise, hoping for some message of some sort, that should have come late yesterday, but has not for some reason.

The Sun has just risen.
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »

2º level "In the Night's Sky"

"In the Night's Sky"

Tuesday November 25, Near Strand

The attack on our small outpost came swift, yet not unexpected, but we were not caught asleep. As I prepared for the Morning role call, my two scouts returned and desribed a large enemy force moving our way down the road from the North East.

We defended the Inn for a while, defeating the obivous Vanguard of a larger slower force moving South West along the road.
Lacking the materials and men to stage a stand, I ordered a retreat south myself, not wishing to sacrifice my men for the sake of a few weeks rations.

For five days we marched, moving at night, resting by day, the land here is so flat, not the best terrain for a defensive battle.
We are close to arriving in the town of Strand, which has stood unmolested for the entire war, for what reasons we cannot tell, however it seems as though this enemy force is intent on it's destruction.

Our scouts have reported large numbers of Ghâ„¢ls in the vicinity, and it is only a matter of time before they find us. We must reach the town in order to create a new defensive line.

I have never before been to Strand.
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by GodzFire »

These videos are horridly choppy and close to unwatchable, sorry. The amount of missing framerate is terrible.
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »

GodzFire wrote:These videos are horridly choppy and close to unwatchable, sorry. The amount of missing framerate is terrible.
sorry, but your opinion (at the moment) is not interesting. I dismiss it.

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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »

3 º level "Tarhan Downs" (Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth)
Wensday November 27, Tarhan Downs

As we reached the town of Strand we came under attack, as did the town by a large force of Ghouls, we managed to hold them off, but the outlook after the battle did not look good. Most of the Town Guard were killed and the Fallen still have great numbers, and they are on their way towards the town.

Never having visited Strand, I was disapointed to discover the town's layout did not provide for a very effective defence, and going on the numbers of the enemy compared to our own, I ordered another retreat, not south, but east, into the mountain range known as Tarhan Downs.
If we keep retreating south I fear we will run out of room to run, as it is we are all exhausted from the long march.

The Mountains offers the only chance of escape and perhaps the chance to Hide and rest.

The Captain of the town guard was killed, but a solidly built man called Mc'grady aided us in the defence of the town, proving his worth as a great fighter.
Along with Mc'grady, some of the surviving guard, and the remaining villagers, we leave the town and head for the mountains.

The weather will be harsh, but the mountains in the south region known as Tarhan downs are not as severe as the rest of the cloudspine, and we may be able to find a way through.

We must, it is our only hope.
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by GodzFire »

juliocpaes wrote:
GodzFire wrote:These videos are horridly choppy and close to unwatchable, sorry. The amount of missing framerate is terrible.
sorry, but your opinion (at the moment) is not interesting. I dismiss it.

Right, so if Melekor or anyone else would say the same thing, you'd accept it and try fix it. But because it's coming from me, just refuse to do it, even though I'm trying to help. Nevermind the fact it's much less an opinion and more of a proven fact that anyone else could confirm. Whatever I guess.
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »

Right, so if Melekor or anyone else would say the same thing, you'd accept it and try fix it. But because it's coming from me, just refuse to do it, even though I'm trying to help. Nevermind the fact it's much less an opinion and more of a proven fact that anyone else could confirm. Whatever I guess.
I said (at the moment)

you didn't read ? your school was in a barn ? :)

And you used boring/derogatory words such as "horridly, unwatchable, terrible".

Example of another day in my post :

"Godzfire wrote: " - Hate it when the spam bots get on the forums."

"Godzfire wrote: " - Damn, got another Julio bot!"

you used hard words like "hate" against me. so now you pose like a plaster saint, but You're not a nice dude because is a fallacious, and if there are any "Damn bot" here in the forum, this someone is you! (Mrs Godzfire).

Melekor and others know how give a good reply honest . And from your Godz-historic of commenting to me, you've always been a mocker, so I was presume it would be another idiot joke yours . I don't have all the features of professional videos, my intention was just to show a nostalgia for Myth TFL using the "Sir Mauriac's Tales" plugin. :|

I sorry for the misunderstanding, If the doll didn't like it. I don't want your annoying posts in this topic, and excuse me this is place about "Sir Mauriac's Tales".

forward ! Good luck at the bridge !
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »

Level 4 º - "Grayleaves Fury" - (Plugin Sir Mauriac's Tales TFL Myth).


- "Grayleaves Fury" -

Wednesday November 19, Central Forest Heart

"Friends of the earth, an abomination is upon us, Soulblighter is present in Forest Heart, along with an undead force, including some Trow.

We do not know their purpose as of yet, but we cannot tollerate their prescence in our Hallowed Forest Heart.

Join with me Friends and rid the Forest of Evil !"

- Grayleaves in a speech to the Giants -
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »

5º level "The Edge of Forest Heart" -


Monday November 24, The West edge of Forest Heart

"You have done well friends, Soulblighter and the rest of his evil army have retreated for now, although the cost has been high, we must not fail in our glorious undertaking.

Another of the evil ones is located to the West, known to men as the Deciever. He may only be there to guarantee the security of Bagrada, however, his intent may be to invade Forest Heart, as Soulblighter has done, this we can not allow.

Join with me in an attack on one of his camps, we must cause destruction of a scale large enough to prevent an invasion.

Young and Old, join with me, for the whole of the Forest and indeed the land needs your faith, and support, we must appease the Earth for our past failures by preventing future ones."

- Grayleaves in a speech to the Giants. -
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by Melekor »

Even if Godz is abrasive he is correct here. The 1º Level video seems to be even less than 1 frame per second. It's a slide show :wink:
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »

Melekor wrote: [.......] The 1º Level video seems to be even less than 1 frame per second. It's a slide show :wink:
yes, I will fix level. thanks for the reply :wink:
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »

Melekor wrote:[ ... ] The 1º Level video seems to be even less than 1 frame per second. It's a slide show :wink:
Hi Mel,

I revised video 1º level,("On the Road to Strand") now it's improved.
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by Melekor »

juliocpaes wrote:Hi Mel,

I revised video 1º level,("On the Road to Strand") now it's improved.
Looking good now :D
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Re: sequence vids for Sir Mauriac's Tale TFL Myth.

Post by juliocpaes »


my beta version (On the Road to Strand) I still making and improving the playability ...playing in TFL gameplay.
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