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Blighted Soul
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Post by Blighted Soul »

I used to play this game way back in the day when it was released. I sucked pretty bad but it was a lot of fun, especially online. Any old timers here? It's good to see there is still an active Myth community. I just recently started playing through TFL again and it's awesome. Still one of the best storylines in a game series, ever. Does anyone play online anymore?
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Re: Greetings

Post by juliocpaes »


Hi welcome,

I think the great majority still play online.

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Re: Greetings

Post by Pyro »

Blighted Soul wrote:Does anyone play online anymore?
People still play Myth 2 on Mariusnet. Just register an account and use the login and password to login from Myth 2. Latest Myth2 update and many plugins can be found at the Tain.

You can also play Myth TFL and Myth 3 but rarely does anyone get on Mnet to play those two games.
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Re: Greetings

Post by Juma »

Hello everybody,

although im a very experienced gamer (started with Commodore 64), im completely new to Myth.
In fact, i played it today for the very first time.

Now, after a couple of hours playtime, im not sure what to think about it.
On the one hand, its terribly old and feels and plays like that.
On the other hand, the magma team has improved the game greatly (read the changelog), and added a lot of comfortability.

Still, one thing im missing painfully, is unit information.
Im so used to the comfort of modern strategy games, that i couldnt play without it anymore.
An example how this might look in myth might be: double clicking on a unit opens a new panel which shows the units health, attack(s), damage, range, defense, (attack) speed, resistances and special abilities,
single clickling on a unit shows those stats in the upper pannel, instead of- or in addition to the units history.

Can we expect such a feature in a future version of project magma?

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Re: Greetings

Post by capital »

Juma wrote:Hello everybody,

although im a very experienced gamer (started with Commodore 64), im completely new to Myth.
In fact, i played it today for the very first time.

An example how this might look in myth might be: double clicking on a unit opens a new panel which shows the units health, attack(s), damage, range, defense, (attack) speed, resistances and special abilities,
single clickling on a unit shows those stats in the upper pannel, instead of- or in addition to the units history.

Can we expect such a feature in a future version of project magma?

Welcome to Myth II Soulblighter, Juma.

Unit formations already exist, select you units and use the formations bar or hotkeys 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0. You can also make unit presets and combine with formations. To Enable health bar, toggle caps lock key.

As for verbose listing of unit performance characteristics look in the game modification editor called Fear. Or just play a little bit and you quickly see what each unit can and can't do.
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Re: Greetings

Post by Graydon »

Unlike modern strategy games, the total number of monsters in myth that you may ever encounter is less than 50 or so. Over a little bit of play time, maybe a few more hours, and you should be starting to get a gist of which monsters are the strongest/largest threat, and which are weakest. Figuring out the specific math behind attack/block rates, mana recharge rates and such really won't give you any advantages like it might in more modern games. Though, as Cap illustrates, the information is available if you want to mine for it a little bit. Not to sound a downer, but having it available in front of you mid-game has never seemed a worthwhile feature, what advantage or purpose would it have besides fulfillment of curiosity?
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Re: Greetings

Post by Juma »

Dont get me wrong, im sure Myth was awesome in its time, and im very glad you like the game as it is, but without any nostalgia, and in the current state, i personally dont see any reason to dig depper into such an old game, and will rather stick to company of heroes and/or dawn of war 2...

Thanks for the answers...
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Re: Greetings

Post by capital »

Your superficial review is missing much of the quality of myth, there is no nostalgia from any of us here. The game is either good or it isn't. Does one say when they drive a bus, oh I wish this handled like a car, to wonder so is missing the point of each vehicle's purpose. Have fun storming the castle.
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Re: Greetings

Post by Jon God »

Nostalgia is one thing.

I think you are expecting something out of Myth that it's not going to give you, Myth isn't really an RTS, it's part of a subgenre, Real Time Tactics, and thus is a lot more hands on when it comes to combat.

One of the reasons we still play it, is that there hasn't been anything similar since Myth. It's the only dog in camp.
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Re: Greetings

Post by punkUser »

As Graydon and JG are saying, while those sorts of statistics are of use in games with relatively simpler combat models (i.e. most RTS), they simply don't determine much in Myth, so having them be displayed in the UI would be misleading at best. While in "1v1" unit scenarios you can usually know which type of unit is going to win, you can't extend that knowledge to 2v1 or even 2v2. For instance, nothing about a warriors "stats" would explain to you that they will usually 1v1 a thrall without taking any damage at all (due to blocking), but conversely they will usually lose to 2 thrall while doing almost no damage due to flinching... even that is somewhat up to timing and randomness and will change depending on if any of the units have kills.

It's really a game of micro in the end. In almost no circumstances in multiplayer do you simply issue an attack order and let your units do their thing. Even in pure melee fights it's about making sure that you're engaged in as many advantageous little (1v1, 2v1) fights at once as possible and avoiding the bad matchups.

If you haven't already, I'd recommend watching a few tournament games from Myth to get a sense for how it tends to work. It's much less "throw units into meat grinder and attrition will win" than other games. You can get films from recent tournaments here: If you want some commentary, NewMutator's youtube channel is already a great option, too:

I play CoH/DoW2 as well as Myth and while I'd say they represent some of the closer games to Myth gameplay-wise (vs. something like C&C or Starcraft), they are definitely pretty different. Trust us when we say that there's no simple stats that would give you useful insight into how units behave, as they are very different in different circumstances. That said, there aren't really a ton of units in Myth, so it doesn't take long to get the gist of the matchups.
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