Myth 1.8

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Myth 1.8

Post by Hald »

Hello. I would like to start with that i really like your work and effort you put in Myth, Its a really nice community, been playing from now and then since TFL. My name is John and im 21 years old and live in Sweden.
Im interested in being a tester for 1.8

Here are my specs:
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
Memory Ram: 16 GB DDR3
CPU: Intel i5 2500k Quad @3.3 GHz
Graphic: EVGA GeForce GTX 680 4GB DDR5
Harddrive 128 GB SSD

Im also on Hotline, Keep up the good work!
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by Melekor »

Added you to the testers group. Welcome aboard :)

btw, nice computer specs you have there!
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by Hald »

Thank you. yeah built it 3 weeks ago, running really smooth, i thought it was time for an upgrade.
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by Eddaweaver »

SSD wear out and are prone to sudden catastrophic failure. If you're going to use one you need to be aware of that. Their reliability is decreasing with each new generation too. The swap file should be either restricted to a spinning hard disc or disabled, I think doing that on Windows 7 requires a registry edit.
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by punkUser »

While true in principal, you're overstating the risk (as do many people). Not to get too off-topic, but a few points:

1) The overall reliability of SSDs with decent controllers is still higher than conventional hard drives. "Catastrophic failure" is still much more likely with a mechanical drive than an SSD simply because the moving parts can break, be bumped, etc. Also you should never have any important data only in one place ever... always have backups and ideally mirroring too.

2) While the write-cycles supported by the underlying flash are indeed going down as the process shrinks, manufacturers compensate to some extent by adding more. The relevant statistics of how much data rewrite can occur are always listed with the drive specifications... usually they are rather generous like you can write 10GB per day for 10 years before you start losing any capacity, which is way more than most people will do.

3) Unless you're extremely cheap with your RAM, the swap file can happily reside on the SSD without creating much thrash or R/W cycles. The swap file access pattern is basically perfect for SSDs as well. See here for more info: ... s-and.aspx

4) Perhaps most importantly, an SSD is basically the best upgrade you can do to your PC in terms of performance... not having one going forward is pretty silly. They are *so* much faster than conventional drives that I will never go back to one as my main drive.

So yeah, SSD for main/OS drive + big secondary mechanical for data is the way to go, no questions asked.
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by Vindicator »

Punkuser, sweet post.
I love hardware specs.
Would there be any worth while performance increase to have SSD in a Raid array?
I allways wondered if it would be too much in a sate of diminishing returns to bother..

Hald, that is a beast machine built for rendering myth at massive far away distances and gettings great FPS. I get 15 FPS during battles, but at so far away, 15 FPS looks pretty smooth.
I only have dual cores though
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by punkUser »

Vindicator wrote: Would there be any worth while performance increase to have SSD in a Raid array?
I allways wondered if it would be too much in a sate of diminishing returns to bother..
With RAID you can increase the throughput of reads/writes, but it's not really clear whether you'll notice it much. It's also only relevant for larger capacity SSDs as well, as it's usually better to get a larger capacity before getting multiple. SSDs have parallelism (you can think of it kind of like RAID) internally, so the bigger SSDs are already faster.

I'd say for most consumers, it's not worth messing with RAID. For enterprise folks it can be.
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by DarthRevan555 »

A bacon unit needs to be an easter egg somewhere or someone needs to get fired.

Launch the bacon!
Insert text here.
Divine entity of map making.
Undefeated god of 1v1 map making contests that have yet to happen.
Insert massive ego here

Someone tell this guy to stop having so many signatures
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by iron »

Revan, you need to play the Myth II tutorial again. Blow up the pigs, and the announcer says "I hope you're planning on eating that". There you go. Bacon.
...playing as long5hot on War Thunder
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by Nod »


First up, I love myth and was recently very pleased to find you had released the linux client and have started playing again. I was chatting to £N on shiver about 1.8 features and he suggested I apply to be a tester.

I have played myth one and off for quite a while:

1999-2000 on win98
2000-2001 on linux
2004 on an old mac
... now on linux.

I have the origional disk and the loki disk.

I work as a programmer so can file a decent bug report. I would be happy to be a linux tester for 1.8.

I found a perl module for hotline here: so i can probably get access without too much effort unless you guys also do IRC somewhere?


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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by GodzFire »

Cool, what platform(s) do you program on?
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by spa »

Hi guys. My name is Spa - and I have been playing myth since I found the demo in the back of a MacAddict magazine in the late twentieth century.

I would like to be included in the list of guys who offer up their computer specs:

My dog is on my feet, keeping my toes warm,
I am sitting on the toilet, reading this forum post,
I have a macbook pro balanced precariously on my thighs
my coffee is out of reach - on the window sill - and getting cold
I apologize if this reply has caused you - or your family - any harm.

back to what you were doing!
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by juliocpaes »

spa wrote:Hi guys. My name is Spa - and I have been playing myth since I found the demo in the back of a MacAddict magazine in the late twentieth century.

I would like to be included in the list of guys who offer up their computer specs:

My dog is on my feet, keeping my toes warm,
I am sitting on the toilet, reading this forum post,
I have a macbook pro balanced precariously on my thighs
my coffee is out of reach - on the window sill - and getting cold
I apologize if this reply has caused you - or your family - any harm.

back to what you were doing!

welcome to Myth Forum. :D

good have a little dog, I also have one.

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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by Melekor »

Nod wrote:Hi

First up, I love myth and was recently very pleased to find you had released the linux client and have started playing again.
Great! Always nice to hear that people are enjoying it :)
Nod wrote:I would be happy to be a linux tester for 1.8.
So far the 1.8 betas have just been for Windows and Mac (You're actually the first person who has expressed any interest in testing it on Linux), but we can start making Linux builds as well starting with the next beta. I'll add you to the group now so you can get it when it comes out.
I found a perl module for hotline here: so i can probably get access without too much effort unless you guys also do IRC somewhere?
nope, just hotline currently.
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Re: Myth 1.8

Post by Nod »

Melekor wrote: So far the 1.8 betas have just been for Windows and Mac (You're actually the first person who has expressed any interest in testing it on Linux), but we can start making Linux builds as well starting with the next beta. I'll add you to the group now so you can get it when it comes out.
Great I will keep an eye out for a Myth II 1.8 Build 412 thread in the testers Forum and then jump in.
nope, just hotline currently.
Is there a thread I should read to find the hotline conection details?
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