Myth II: Defend The Seven Gates (BetaV8.0) [beta]
by Artilheiro
- File Size:
- 315.7 MB
- Type:
- Scenarios
- Author:
- Artilheiro
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 39
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Update 8.0
Changes and corrections.
.Defend The Covenant
Added 1 Player version.
.Defend The World Knot
Concerted map action errors. Victory condition error fixed, now when eliminating most enemies in the final Victory wave. Berserk reinforcements from the World knot now appear without requiring allied units to move away from the World knot. In the final part, the warriors, archers and Fenris around the library become controllable. "Attack" map action errors have been fixed. Some adjustments made.
.Defend The Library
Now when the player runs out of any dwarfs or warlocks, a mortar dwarf will parachute into the middle of the "arena" after a short while. 1 Player version added. 4 dwarven axes were added (in the 1 Player version they are dwarven warriors).
.Defend The Monument
Added Brigands and Archers Thief reinforcements to be freed from prison on the way to the right. (an interaction triggered when they are freed) Some bugs fixed.
.Defend The Dam
Defeat conditions have been changed, now it will no longer give defeat if warlock captain dies, it will still give defeat if Knight or the 3 dams are destroyed. 1 Player version added.
.Defend The Village
Defeat conditions have been changed, now it will only give defeat if all 3 are eliminated, Berserk Captain, Archer Captain and Knight, if there is only 1 of them alive it will not give defeat. 1 Player version added. Some map action errors fixed, some adjustments made.
.Defend The Acerus
Added more Waves of enemies at the beginning of the mission. Now when the mortar dwarf hero is eliminated, a mortar dwarf will appear only in the initial part of the mission. A certain map action bug has been fixed.
.Now the Beserk Captain has gained a new ability, he can summon Beserks Vahalla, they are Beserk heroes who died in battle, they have 1 electric sword attack that mana recharges very slowly, the Berserk Captain starts with 3 charges, each time a Beserk Hero dies he receives +1 charge, he can only have a maximum, it costs mana to summon. Now you can press the "i" key and press 0 if you want his attacks to not contain the electric sword.
.Now the Warlock captain's ball of fire and ice will shoot out a flare of fire towards the sky (it lasts for a short time so the damage isn't much).
.B'Yllago, The attack speed of tornado blows and sinister lightning has been increased, he now has a new special area of shadow paralysis, press the "i" key to open the skill inventory.
.Now the Acerus conversion is in area, added an animation that looks a lot like Trow Priests converting enemies in Myth 3. Acerus' kick and punch damage has been increased.
.Now critical attacks cannot be blocked.
.Wolves and Brigands now run when they get close to attack enemies, wolves have a greater distance to start running, maximum distance for wolves to start running is 10, for brigands it is 8. Brigand's movement speed reduced by 1.
.Enraged Myrmidons, maximum attack range has been increased, now have a 5.5% critical strike chance.
New units
.Boncuar, a powerful giant white wolf, capable of releasing an icy howl that triggers a project that explodes. It has a celestial howl that causes damage and confusion to units around it when the "0" key is selected in the inventory.
.Shalam, they have a special attack to launch a thorny ice ball, the mana recharges slowly. Your attacks have a 45% chance to stun.
.Northmen, basically Beserks with armor, sword and shield, have lower movement speed due to the weight of the armor and more resistance due to the armor.
.Wolves on the light side and alpha wolves, alpha wolves with similar statistics to the wolf under the influence of dark magic, the difference being that alpha wolves have 1 point more movement speed.
.Berserker Valhalla They are Berserk Heroes who die in battle and went to the world of Valhalla, they have an electric sword, but it uses up all their mana and the mana takes a long time to recharge, they have almost the same statistics as the Beserk Heroes, the difference is that they contain damage reduced to electricity. , in addition to having the benefits of a ghost that is immune to stunning and poisonous damage.
Map 0 - Defend The Seven Gates
It shows the events right after Soulbighter dies.
Press the ''i'' key to open the Warlock Legendary skill selection.
Press the ''i'' key to open the Bowman Legendary skill selection.
Defeat Conditions: If all allied units die.
Victory Condition: If the final wave of enemies is defeated.
Recommended players: Timid 1 player, Simple 1 player, Normal 1-5 Players, Heroic 1-6 Players, Legendary 1-8 players.
Map 1 - Defend The Covenant
Defeat condition: If Fenris dies
Victory condition: After destroying all waves of enemies and Fenris and his soldiers retreat when the enemy Gor-Ash arrives.
Recommended players: Timid 1 player, Simple 2 players, Normal 3-5 Players, Heroic 5-6 Players, Legendary 6-7 players.
Map 2 - Defend The World knot
Defeat Conditions: if the specific warrior dies. (he has a different coloring than the other warriors.) if Fenris dies, if the World Knot pillar is broken. after the warrior enters the World knot the defeat conditions of the World knot Pillar and the specific warrior dying are deactivated.
Victory Condition: defeat the numerous wave of trhalls
Recommended players: Timid 1 player, Simple 1-2 players, Normal 1-3 Players, Heroic 4-7 Players, Legendary 8-12 players.
Map 3 - Defend The Library
Defeat conditions: If Warrior Captain dies or if there is no allied unit defending the library.
Victory Condition: If you eliminate Gor-Ash and the enemies next to him.
Recommended players: Timid 1 player, Simple 2 players, Normal 3-5 Players, Heroic 5-6 Players, Legendary 6-8 players.
Map 4 - Defend The Monument
Press the ''i'' key to open the b'Y'laggo skill selection.
Defeat conditions: If all bre'unors die before reaching the monument, upon reaching the monument.
If b'Y'laggo dies.
If all units die b'Y'laggo automatically dies.
Victory condition: if the wave where there will be trow and forest giant is destroyed
Recommended players: Timid 1 player, Simple 1-2 players, Normal 1-3 Players, Heroic 2-4 Players, Legendary 4-6 players.
Map 5 - Defend The Dam
Press the ''i'' key to open the Warlock Captain skill selection.
Defeat Conditions: If Knight die or if all 3 Barrages are eliminated.
Victory Condition: If you eliminate all enemy hordes.
Recommended players: Timid 2 player, Simple 3-4 players, Normal 5-7 Players, Heroic 7-8 Players, Legendary 8-10 players.
Map 6 - Defend The village
Press the ''i'' key to open the Archer Captain's skill selection.
Press the ''i'' key to open the Berserker Captain's skill selection.
Defeat conditions: If Archer Captain dies in the small village, from the large village starting if all 3 die, Archer Captain, Berserker Captain and the Knight
Victory condition: after eliminating Trow iron Warrior.
Recommended players: Timid 2 player, Simple 3 players, Normal 4-6 Players, Heroic 6-7 Players, Legendary 8-9 players.
Map 7 - Defend The Acerus
Press the ''i'' key to open the Trow Captain skill selection.
Defeat condition: If Trow Captain dies.
Victory condition: If all enemies are killed.
Recommended players: Timid 1 player, Simple 1-2 players, Normal 1-5 Players, Heroic 1-7 Players, Legendary 2-8 players.
Map 8 - Defend The Boncuar
Press the ''i'' key to open the Boncuar skill selection.
Defeat condition: If Boncuar dies.
Victory condition: If all enemies are killed.
Recommended players: Timid 1 player, Simple 1-2 players, Normal 1-5 Players, Heroic 1-7 Players, Legendary 2-8 players.
Hi, this is my first plugin made.
Myth II: Defend The Seven Gates
Many units have been modified significantly when more armor wear and some have changed movement speed (depending on the unit's weight and amount of armor).
Units that affect the morale of other units have daggers!
1 dagger increases allied team morale by 1
2 daggers increases friendly team morale by 1 and decreases enemy team morale by -1
3 daggers increases the allied team's morale by 2 and decreases enemy team morale by -1
4 daggers increases the allied team's morale by 2 and decreases enemy team morale by -3
heartfelt thanks to all the creators of units and other things that made it available for free.
Thanks to DarthRevan555 for letting use his Myth III Public Beta plugin units.
My special thanks to Jon God helped me a lot by putting water in my plugin. And to all of the discord myth2 mapmaking channel.
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