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Myth 2

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:08 pm
by cdoug123
hey guys. i have been playing myth 2 latly however in multiplayer i have been getting like a lag every few seconds for like about 1 second, making multiplayer extremly annoying to play, my internet is 10 mbs/ and 5 upload, and i have a really good computer, any fixes for this?

also i looked everywhere but does the texture pack go into the plugins folder? thanks!

Re: Myth 2

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:44 pm
by Pyro
There is a tech support section just in case you didn't know it was there.

First, yes the texture pack is an addon and all addons go in the plugins folder the same way normal plugins do. The only Myth related downloads that wouldn't go there would be cutscenes, films, and custom formations/camera stuff if built in the local folder. (If built as an addon, then yeah they go in plugins folder.) Addons are different from plugins in that they automatically load at the start of running Myth2, while plugins have to be activated in game.

Second, if you are lagging it could be because of the host of the game. Maybe they have a slow connection so it won't matter if you have the best in the world, you will lag. Another possibility is that you are not lagging but are getting choppy frames. To make sure which is the problem, play a game. Press the Delete key (called Forward Delete if you are on Mac). The FPS/ping values will show up at the top right corner below the status bar. What kind of values do you see there?

If you are the type of computer user that runs his computer for days/weeks, it wouldn't hurt to restart it to make sure its not related to that.

Re: Myth 2

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:51 pm
by cdoug123
hmm i just opened my ports so i could host maybe that would work. and no i always turn it off at night, and its i74770k 16 gig ram, Top of line nvidia card, and my fps was betewen 59.2 and 62, however it was just me testing, before it would be a good chop, but perphaps doing the port forward helped it

Re: Myth 2

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:08 pm
by Pyro
Even if you have a great computer, if your graphics drivers aren't up to date you could still suffer with an old game like Myth. Even with updated drivers, you could suffer since some drivers aren't optimized for things used for older games as odd as that may sound.

Port forwarding won't help with whatever lag you might have experienced. That would only stop you from hosting the game. Test the quality of your connection:

Having great speed doesn't mean you can't suffer from latency issues. Testing by yourself won't be enough if lag is a problem. If the issue was present when you were by yourself then we would know it isn't connection related.

Re: Myth 2

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:19 pm
by cdoug123
everythings updated, and pings good, maybe there some optimal settings in preferences perphaps?

Re: Myth 2

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:20 pm
by Pyro
What values did you get from the test?