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resizing mesh and tag moving ?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:46 pm
by cremisiii
is there a way to move the tags like trees or units from one mesh to another also am i doing something wrong or is the re size mesh in loathing dose not work it keeps crashing for me .

Re: resizing mesh and tag moving ?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:07 pm
by Pyro
What resize mesh option? Loathing does not have that ability. You would have to create a new mesh to have a smaller mesh.

To move tags from one mesh to another you just have to make sure those tags and the new mesh are in the same local folder. Double click on the scenery and unit icons to add them to the mesh. Then you have to manually put them all. Probably not what you wanted, but that is the only way. Or you could duplicate the mesh and just replace its color map and other maps to keep the units and stuff on it the same.

Re: resizing mesh and tag moving ?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:06 am
by cremisiii
well , i tried to add a different size mesh to a current smaller one and i got a message saying the mesh your adding is a different size would like to resize the current mesh ? when i press ok it crashes and when you re open the map is all scrambled , it will be so great if that actually works .

oh and also pyro i am trying to move the stuff to a different size mesh becouse i do not want to re do it all over again.

Re: resizing mesh and tag moving ?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:06 am
by vinylrake
you can't load a different sized mesh - loathing wouldn't know where to put things, scripts would break because of locations of points on the map being in different places then they were before, i would have to recalculate what all the terrain is, it would be a mess - which is what you were apparently seeing.

the mesh load function is for loading newer versions of your maps.

so you can make a rough sketch of your colormap and load it into Loathing and put a few units on it and see if it's the right size.

if it is you can go finish your color map and re-import it. repeat until perfect.

same with your displacement map or shadow map. load them up, see how they look, then export them fix them and re-import them.

Re: resizing mesh and tag moving ?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:43 am
by Graydon
As Pyro first suggested, the only way to accomplish this is at best, a workaround to redoing everything. First you'd take your existing mesh, export all the various 'maps' associated (terrain, displacement, media height etc) and save them somewhere, then go to Fear and duplicate the mesh tag.

Second you'd make a new mesh with your new resized colourmap. Then you delete the new _mesh_ tag. In fear go into your duplicated mesh tag and attach the new collection tag associated with the new mesh tag you just deleted. This should load (it used to in previous versions of Loathing at least) but in doing this all your scenery/units/anything physically placed on the mesh will be incorrectly placed and will have to be moved. Same goes for scripting waypoints and so on, as VR outlined. These items will still be on the mesh but just located incorrectly. It's not perfect but at least you can band select sections of things to move around, and don't have to place them all one by one again.

Third you will take your exported maps from the original mesh, resize them in photoshop/graphic editor, then import them over the new reiszed colourmap.

It's not a perfect resize method, but it's a lot better than doing everything over again.

Re: resizing mesh and tag moving ?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:31 am
by cremisiii
Thanks guys and while i got you , is there an easy way to put the units in a nice formation that i do not know about its kind of annoying lining them up 1 by 1 ?

Re: resizing mesh and tag moving ?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:51 pm
by Pyro
Make one line of them, select them, and press Ctrl D. This will duplicate them and have the duplicates selected. While still selected, press and hold Ctrl and click on one of them. Move them where you need them to be to have them in the same formation. Let go of Ctrl and you can make them all face the direction you want.

Re: resizing mesh and tag moving ?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:02 am
by Graydon
But no, there is no way to place a '8 line' in perfect spacing like it would when you use formations in game. That said, if you're scripting AI in formations, just place them loosely in the formation and then use the script to set the form they're to use and they'll straighten themselves out. As Pyro said, best way is to place a small group and then duplicate that group incrementally to the size of army you want to place. If it helps, you can go to View Options and turn the wire grid on while placing the units, so that you have some guidelines for spacing etc.