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myth TFL crashes after I complete a level! help please

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:44 am
by Xplod_
hey everyone, i am running myth TFL off a DLL Launcher by Melekor since I have the memory glitch whenever I try to play myth off my regular cd. this works fine for getting INTO the game, but I cannot finish or complete a mission without a period of freezing and then being booted back to my desktop. this is very frustrating since I can't see dmg ratios, carry over veterans, or any of that with the spacebar force option. if anyone has another alternative of how I could run this or what my problem is id greatly appreciate it, thanks!

Re: myth TFL crashes after I complete a level! help please

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:29 pm
by Myrd
Perhaps try using Fallen Levels with Myth II instead?

Re: myth TFL crashes after I complete a level! help please

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:11 pm
by Xplod_
i was thinking about buying it this holiday season... quick question tho. will i still get every single TFL mission and cinematic with those addons? and it will come standard with the game?

Re: myth TFL crashes after I complete a level! help please

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:04 pm
by Pyro
Yes, you can get the whole thing, just do the following. Once you have Myth 2 installed and updated, download The Fallen Levels which is a Myth 2 plugin of the single player campaign of Myth: The Fallen Lords. Extract the plugin and place it in the "plugins" folder. Myth 2 has a "vTFL" (virtual TFL) gameplay mode which emulates the TFL physics and gameplay. There is also the TFL Multiplayer Map Pack which has a bunch of TFL multiplayer maps ported over to Myth 2. You could also download the TFL Interface and use it to replace the Myth 2 interface to look like TFL.

To have cutscenes, you will have to make a "cutscenes" folder inside your Myth II folder and use one of two options. One option is to copy the "cutscene.gor" file from the TFL CD and place it in the "cutscenes" folder. The other option is to download the QuickTime version of the cutscenes and place them in the "cutscenes" folder.

While you do not need to use TFL Gameplay (vTFL) to play the campaign, it will make it act like the original.