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Netgame features in single player

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:02 pm
by fildred13
Two simple questions that I'm sure are easy but I'm not sure about how to get either to happen.

1.) How can I get the numbered netflags to appear in a singleplayer game? If I make a netmap a singleplayer map they don't appear. Why is that?

2.) Is there an easy way to assign hue changes to teams in singleplayer, rather than creating an entirely unique unit in fear with the new hues? I'm trying to have multiple teams on a singleplayer map that mimics multiplayer (sort of) but it gets confusing when all the warriors look exactly the same.


Re: Netgame features in single player

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:35 pm
by Graydon
For the custom colours, at the very least you need unique CREF tags tied to unique UNIT tags. The unique Unit tags can point to the generic monster tag for any given unit type (warrior for example).

As for the netgame flags I'm not entirely certain on an easy fix to making them show up on solo. My suspicion is that in the scenery items unique to net gametypes (like a FR flag), they have an 'appears in' checkbox, and probably only has the gametype of FR ticked - such that the scenery placed will only show up in a FR game even if the mapmaker forgets to set that flag in the loathing palette. Presumably you need to make custom versions of the netgame items in question, and flag them so that they show up in all game modes.

Alternatively, open up With Friends Like These and take a look at how bungie set up the Solo Terries game. It should at least give you some hints as to the right direction to go in. At least it can verify if my theory is correct (that it uses custom netgame items and not the default terries flags)

Re: Netgame features in single player

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:12 am
by fildred13
I was worried I might have to make unique unit tags for each one, but ce la vie, not a big deal.

I forgot about With Friends Like These, I'll go check that out.

Thanks Graydon!
