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"Spiritless Ice" -- ???help scripting MultiPlayer Game Types

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:24 pm
by BambooStew22
:?: What are the best Multiplayer game types that the community enjoys

"Spiritless Ice"= FUGGIN LARGE MAP!!!;
*goal= create a natural looking and beautiful colormap, with epic terrain feel as you navigate the world
*location= below the pass of "Bagrada" within the peaks of the cloudspine
*terrain style= "Pale grass reaches for breath below the freezing tundra as rolling twists and spirals of mountainous snow caps breach the skyline; ruined forts once proud icons of the Western Cities' are now left in smoldering heaps as foul armies march beyond..." : The main "style" to the map is the shear face of an ominous and ancient glacier pushing up from the south-west which has waylay-ed a flagrant viking ship and has smashed the frozen vessel between a mountain side and the walls of ice (4 pieces of the broken ship are cast aside the mountain scape at different altitudes allowing for you to use their isolated and elevated positions as defensive roosts and escapes)
*Playability= constantly changing topography allowing for various advantageous situations on the fly and allowing for adaptability in tactics--- Terrain Logistics (if it looks like you can get a unit there; you probably can) utilize very narrow passages to flank or circumnavigate situations, plenty of fortifications and easily defend-able positions ---- keep in mind however... every defensive position has equally rendering disadvantages e.i.-unlit bottles/puss/satchel/cannon balls amongst the foundations, or singular paths of entry and escape... so use your EYES to distinguish elements of "tact" within the level

****^ this is my first map... of hopefully MANY MANY more! so it is more practice for me than anything else... terrain/environmental effects/& unit utility are my biggest avenues of study within the fundamentals of the MythEngine-- i hope to have a tagset modification for the map as well just a simple change in some of the dynamics you see as the various units of the myth world "interact".

but at this point...
:?: :?: :?:
I need guidance in scripting for Multiplayer game types... please aide

Re: "Spiritless Ice" -- ???help scripting MultiPlayer Game T

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:37 pm
by Graydon
Most standard multip'layer gametypes don't require any scripting.

You'd only require scripting if you concoct your own unique gametype and have to use script to calculate the score.

Re: "Spiritless Ice" -- ???help scripting MultiPlayer Game T

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:17 am
by BambooStew22
There has to be some sorta script connection to the net play scenery... you cant expect me to believe that if I place 6 flags and 3 armies-- loathing automatically knows I want 3 team territories... and that 3 balls...2 for captures and 1 for bacon would magically be denoted in loathing... I just cant believe it would be that simple... zero script for multi play???? if so= hell ta da fuck yeah... i could crank out maps by the bakers dozen

Re: "Spiritless Ice" -- ???help scripting MultiPlayer Game T

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:28 am
by vinylrake
Myth _is_ magic.

Between Fear and Loathing is everything you need for the normal game types. you set the # of starts a mesh has in Fear, place the right number of flags/balls on a map - assign the flag/ball to the proper team (and assign units to the proper team) in Loathing, and Myth pretty much does the rest.

There is NO scripting required for ANY of the standard Bungie delivered game types. (which is why there are many hundreds of 3rd party netmaps but only a fraction as many solo maps)

Re: "Spiritless Ice" -- ???help scripting MultiPlayer Game T

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:10 pm
by Pyro
Always take a look at the default maps as an example to do what you plan on doing. That way you can tell there is no scripting needed at all as well as how they set certain settings up.

Re: "Spiritless Ice" -- ???help scripting MultiPlayer Game T

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:45 pm
by Graydon
There are certain _parameters_ you have to set on each netgame objective item. For example, you pick the Flag Rally flags 1 through 6. You have to check off the gametype boxes that you want those flags to show up in (in all probability you want them for Flag Rally only).

As an aside, it's this method that allows you to also have different unit sets based on the gametype, like on Dead Man's Float with regular gametypes vs Assassin. Otherwise, there are no map actions required unless you're making a custom gametype and need to keep track of scoring.

Re: "Spiritless Ice" -- ???help scripting MultiPlayer Game T

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:28 pm
by ozone
Well gray you actually don't have to check/uncheck any of the flags in loathing to determine game type. If they are set to flag rally in the scenery tag in fear then they will only show up in flag rally even if they have checks for all game types in loathing...

Re: "Spiritless Ice" -- ???help scripting MultiPlayer Game T

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:34 pm
by vinylrake
It's really that difficult to set up a multiplayer map, but if you haven't done it before there are things you wouldn't think of doing, so I would recommend going through one of the mapmaking tutorials to make sure you have all your i's dotted and t's crossed.

healwithsteel has a very thorough mapmaking walkthrough, cydonian has a very concise mapmaking guide. there are links to both of them (and many other articles) in the myth 2 mapmaking section of the mythgraveyard located here

of if you are lazy you can just go ... l_only.pdf

or ... 0000000067