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Greek Unit Conversion -- Coming SOON(tm)!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:25 pm
by vinylrake
Carlinho is looking for a FEW good testers to tryout his greek units so he can see how they play in multiplayer games.

The testing will be played on test maps - the maps are just for testing the units so he's not looking for people who will whine and complain about the colormap or the placement of trees he is looking for people to put the units through their paces to give him the info he needs to help fine-tune and polish the units for official release.

So the First public tryout of the Greek units (aka 'testing') is scheduled for 11AM-12:00pm (noon) mariusnet time on Sunday 1/10. (for the time challenged, that's 1 hour of testing starting at 11AM EDT or GMT - 5:00)

If you are interested in having some ancient Greek myth fun AND can commit to showing up at that time, respond back here or pm me.