Diff vulnerability depending on the unit attacking

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Post by carlinho »

I'm doing a total conversion with new units, melee units from ancient times.
I was wondering if you guys know how can I set different vulnerability to attacks from different units...
example: horse units have more punch against archers and sword units and are vulnerable to spearmen.
and otherwise spearmen are stronger against horse units but against archers and swordsmen are more vulerable.
I guess I could set a complicated difference in the projectiles tag where spearmen do kinetic damage and let's say horses do slashing damage and etc and set the object damage of each units tag in accordance to this...but when the units fight against regular myth units I guess it would look ridiculous...
(or maybe they never fight against them...hehe)
With health I guess it wouldn't work that swiftly.
Anyway, always interested in knowledge, and any ideas welcomed,
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Post by mauglir »

The most straight-forward way to handle strengths and weaknesses is using different damage types like you described.

But, creating a balanced unit set is as much of an art as it is a science. The beauty of the Myth engine is that you have so many variables beyond just damage and health:

* Movement Speed(s)
* Turning Rates
* Sight Ranges
* Minimum/Maximum Attack Ranges
* Rate of Attack
* Delta Variables (how much a unit improves with experience)
* Damage Variables (does the attack always do X damage, or is it a broad range?)

These are just some of the numbers you can play with to create interesting strengths and weaknesses.

Creating a new unit set that can go up against the regular Myth units in a fair way is a tough challenge. Many people choose to create stand-alone unit sets because there are fewer creative restrictions.

Good luck!
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Post by carlinho »

As usual THANKS!
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