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Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:36 am
by Renwood TWA
O yea and you think deadlines are imagineary?

OMG VR you are SUCH a child and you understnad NOTHING about programming.

you fucking childish fuck, please burn in hell soon!

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:14 am
by William Wallet
Renwood TWA wrote:WOW VR way to show your a total pussy bitch ass cunt faced 12 year old CS player.

Next time i see you in marius ill be sure to give you a bunch of shit for being one of the WORST myth players i have ever seen, AND being a total fuckwit.
I'm really hoping Ooga is going to come in and say 'don't take Ren seriously' and point out how this post is pure satire, and that Ren's really not this laughable inept, and that their plugin will be great.

It would make me feel a lot better.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:15 am
by Eddaweaver
Insert diatribe about planks and how they're in certain eyes.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:02 am
by Death's Avatar
Dear Renwood,

Please stop making this forum an angry profane cesspool of filth! Thanks,


Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:55 pm
by remedial
Renwood TWA wrote: WOW VR way to show your a total pussy bitch ass cunt faced 12 year old CS player.
Renwood TWA wrote: you fucking childish fuck, please burn in hell soon!
Grow up. Just grow up.

myth 3 porting to myth2

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:52 am
by killerking
I have 1 question for all you that want a myth3vsmyth2 war:

Why the hell do such hard work with remodeling all stuff and porting all stuff to myth2? It would be MUCH easier (at least i think) just to change myth3's gameplay to myth2 gameplay. That way we have the multi and coop games we allways had AND a highly detailed game.


Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:08 am
by GizmoHB
ok I'm just going to ignore Rens nonsense for now...
Is it an attempt at a direct port or has gameplay been tinkered with to suit Myth II at all?
It's M3 in M2, I had only planned on porting the units new to M3 and using most of the standard M2 units, this means the new M3 units will be tweaked a little to fit the M2 gameplay...
I like the idea of a M3 Multipack.
The big problem is the units, and in some cases the heavy model use in some M3 multimaps which simply cant be duplicated in M2...


Re: myth 3 porting to myth2

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:02 am
by remedial
killerking wrote:I have 1 question for all you that want a myth3vsmyth2 war:

Why the hell do such hard work with remodeling all stuff and porting all stuff to myth2? It would be MUCH easier (at least i think) just to change myth3's gameplay to myth2 gameplay. That way we have the multi and coop games we allways had AND a highly detailed game.

Myth 3 didn't come close to the editing potential of Myth 2- making it easier to create an adaptation from M3 to M2- just my guess.

I can't really recall what Vengeance was capable of, but I'm pretty sure it was very limited and buggy.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:34 am
by William Wallet
I was certain that I'd had a stroke or something, the last time I tried using the original release of Vengeance. I hated it, but I mean... we were kind of spoiled with Fear and Loathing for M2 really.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:48 am
by vinylrake
William Wallet wrote:I was certain that I'd had a stroke or something, the last time I tried using the original release of Vengeance. I hated it, but I mean... we were kind of spoiled with Fear and Loathing for M2 really.
I never used it sinc eI didn't play M3, but from what I heard, Vengeance wasn't really 'finished' as it was when it was released it was really only for internal use. I want to say it was released after the game itself by someone on the dev team so there would be SOME editing tool for people to use, but I could be misremembering that. I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.

BUT, mythdev/blades/or-some-other-combination-i-don't-mean-to-insult-by-not-knowing-their-name(s) released a Myth 3 editor called 'Ballistic" which was much more polished and less prone to make people's heads explode. There are still some things you can't do in Ballistic - like SCRIPT (you can script in M2 then export text and import to Ballistic M3 map) but Ballistic would be the way to go for m3 mapmaking.

Not that anyone asked or anything.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:19 pm
by remedial
Here's a thought: what does everyone think about the inclusion of Fear and Loathing with M2- related to the overall success and longevity of the game?

Do you think Myth 3 could have been pulled from the depths of mediocrity, if the M2 community could have been transplanted to tinker on it with effective editing tools?

I, for one, will say that being able to edit M2 so much is the main reason i played it for so long- and I've never found a game since that allows such freedom to make 3rd party mods.- I mean really, are there any other games that even come close? (Maybe half-life with its open-source stuff)

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:39 pm
by gugusm
remedial wrote:I, for one, will say that being able to edit M2 so much is the main reason i played it for so long- and I've never found a game since that allows such freedom to make 3rd party mods.
100 % agreed. That's one of the reason why Myth is so cool. You just can't get bored with it.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:33 pm
by Baak
I 100% agree with that too.

Heck, I've spent countless hours cranking out stuff and am still amazed at what can be created and what combinations unfold.

Without that variety, it would be far less interesting.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:33 pm
by GodzFire
Myth 3 itself was not bad, no matter what anyone says. I don't know when they M3 Hater Bandwagon started but it's really old.

The best part for me was the story. Finally being able to see how our top bad guys from M1/M2 were actually good is great. Finally we got to find out who the hell that Head was. We get to see what happened to the Smiths of Murthem' and how the Trow cities melted.

The levels themselves were very rich and detailed. One in particular, where you go in a dwarf pack to kill the spider god is insane with the amount of stuff you can blow up.

I don't blame the makers of the game at all. They held up their part of the bargain by giving us a great story, interactive levels, engaging characters, and a fresh look for Myth.

I blame the company itself for knowingly releasing an unfinished product and basically giving the finger to everyone who worked on it.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:33 pm
by Baak
Agreed, GodzFire. I for one need to revisit the whole Myth 3 game.

I haven't since I first bought it (shortly after it came out), primarily because the software was so evil that it caused one of the worst crashes in my long history of PC ownership. Seriously. It was so nasty I have yet to try the update... :shock:

But some of the levels I recall were pretty darn cool. I liked a lot of things and hated a lot of things.

The voiceovers in Myth II are so good it's hard to imagine them being so bad in Myth III. The Dorf looked like a nutcracker doll (and walked like someone had used on on him), the Wight looked like the Michelin Man, and the units were so dang twitchy while idle it made me nervous.

I liked the effect of light and blood for the most part. A lot of the solo story was cool. And the Iron Trow was awesome.

I just couldn't figure out though - like with most things I've seen over the last 20-30 years - why people don't take the best parts of something and then improve from there, rather than starting from scratch. It's like American car companies. Toyota improves and keeps the good (or at least they used to), while American car companies re-invent everything from scratch every single year and it's mostly crap every single year. Why redo the Dwarf so badly when it was perfect before? What the hell are those Archer voiceovers? If you can't get/make better ones, then use the originals!! The timing on idle twitching is very natural in Myth II - why change it, especially to something that looks bad? What the hell is that Wight supposed to look like anyway? It's not the least bit creepy - just cartoony!! And Warlocks too... but I digress...