Primary Myth Websites:
Project Magma
The Tain
Myth at
Gate of Storms
Badlands Myth II: Chimera
Myth Discord Channels:
Discord is where you will be able to find the newest Myth tournaments and be able to connect with the community. These are the main Discord channels you may want to join.
Myth Events Discord
Myth 2 WWII Server
Installing Myth 2
Myth is still owned by Take 2 and it is not freeware so I cant go about giving you ways to download the game illegally. There is no online stores you can buy the game digitally from at this time unfortunately. How you go about getting a copy of the game to play is on you. Once you have the game here are some instructions for getting the game running and updated.
1. Install the game. If the installer doesn't work here are some alternative instructions to get the game installed.
1a. Create a folder where you want to install the game
1b. Copy the tags folder from the CD into the new folder.
2. Install the latest patch for the game from Project Magma. Use the installation folder or the folder you created in step 1a.
3. Highly recommend installing the high resolution Myth II QuickTime Cutscenes and place them within the "cutscene" folder that will be located within the instillation folder.
4. Grab the plugins you want from the recommended plugins below and start playing!
Simply place these plugins in the "plugin" folder within the installation folder to get them working. It won't work if you leave the plugin file within the compressed folder! Some plugins may require you to activate a tagset within Myth before starting the scenario/map in order for it to work. Here is a list of recommended plugins.
Detail Texture Megapack
Project Magma's The Fallen Lords)
The Fallen Levels (Myth TFL for Myth 2)
Myth 2: Chimera (Official Myth 2 Expansion by Badlands and Bungie)
Expansive Interface
Myth III Public Beta (Myth 3 plugin for Myth 2)
TFL Interface
Myth III: The Wolf Age Interface
Note: You can change the interface by going into the Preferences from the main menu.
Playing Myth 2 Online
To play Myth 2 online you will need to make a Steam account and then connect it to Gate of Storms in order to create an online account. No guest accounts unfortunately. Once you have created an account on Gate of Storms you can follow the Gate of Storms FAQ to go online. Gate of Storms is also a useful place to go to find films for tourney games and games that you have played online provided that you played in a channel that saves films.
Make sure you take a look at the controls within the preferences. There are some less common controls that are not obvious and I will try to come back and add them every now and then to this guide.
- Holding shift and single left-clicking on an enemy will cause your units to attack all the units of that type. Holding shift and double left-clicking an enemy will cause your units to attack that specific unit only.
- Presets are very important. You can create presets by holding alt and a number key until the preset is set. To recall the preset just tap alt and the corresponding number. There is an "alternate preset recall" option win the "configure controls" menu. With the alternate preset option you just tap alt and the number to set the preset and then press the corresponding number in order to recall the preset. Note that alt in the above controls can be set to any button you want within the "configure controls" menu.
How to modify your formations
Optimizing formations of your archer line or warrior box and so on can greatly improve your ability to play Myth online. To edit your formations, open the fear app (located within the Myth installation folder), open up “formations”, and then open "internal formations". Change the values as you like. Once you’re done exit out of fear. The next time you start Myth and play your formations will now be updated. Keep tweaking your formations until you have them perfected.
Guides for playing Myth against other players
GKG's The 3 Baller's Dilemma and the Myth Bible's Ten Commandments (Web Archive)
GKG's School of Myth Strategy - The Push Factor (Web Archive)
GKG's Myth Economics (Web Archive)
Adrenaline's Guide to Myth 2 for Newbs
Pyro's Myth Starter Guide (Web Archive)
Silent's Multiplayer Guide YouTube Videos - Ep. I, Ep. II, Ep. III, Ep. IV
Important Resources
Myth: TFL Manual
Tales from Myth: TFL Comic
Myth: TFL Strategy Guide
Myth II: Soulblighter Manual
Myth II: Soulblighter Strategy Guide
Original Chimera Proposals from Badlands
Myth III: The Wolf Age Manual
Myth 3 - The Wolf Age Official Strategy Guide
Myth 3: Manual Background, Journals and Cutscene Transcripts
The Myth II Handbook by J. Charles Holt
Myth World Cup Websites
2000 (Web Archive)
MWC 2002 never happened...
2003 (Web Archive)
2004 (Web Archive)
2005 (Web Archive)
2008 (Web Archive)
2009 - None Available
2011 (Web Archive)
2021 - No Website
Note: Films from MWC 2013 to the most current MWC are located on Gate of Storms
Updating this Guide
Please reply to this thread if any links are found to be broken/incorrect or if there is some relevant information that should be added. I will try to come back and update this guide every now and then with things I discover or with any information you guys may provide.
My Youtube Channel
Have you been to my YouTube channel? You will probably enjoy my Myth Series In-depth!
P.S. Yes I know it sounds bad. Learning pains

P.S.S. If you want to watch some Myth I would recommend you go to Paris' YouTube and Twitch channel. Paris is super helpful so give him a subscribe/follow.