[bug?] Duff can't throw

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[bug?] Duff can't throw

Post by slugman »

i was playing Great library, I had a duff who was doing quite well. Then around 6:00 into the game, trying to hit a pack of three ghols coming up the side, the molotov cocktail lands at his feet, smearing his little body parts everywhere. The ghols were still a good distance away, heading up the ramp of the library sides. Is this a bug? I've never seen this happen before.

here's the film:
happens to Northling at just shy of 6:00 mins in.

p.s. - the forum seems to have a lot of issues with apostrophes in URLs...
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Post by Pyro »

Instead of placing an apostrophe, place %27 and it will work. The Dwarf's name was Norling not Northling, but it doesn't matter. :) I guess it is one of those small bugs that happen rarely. If so, then I doubt it will be fixed. If you can reproduce it, they (the programmers) will be able to look at it better and possibly fix it.
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Post by lank »

without having seen the film, a possible cause is that ranged units leading their targets don't take the vertical component of motion into account.

so i suspect if the ghols were moving on flat ground and the dwarf were at the same elevation relative to them, it would have thrown with the same trajectory to land at their feet on that plane, but in this case the slope got in the way a bit closer than he expected.

if you look carefully, you'll notice that archers do the same thing too - if they're shooting at distant targets walking down a steep slope, the archers will tend to shoot over their targets' heads.

i noticed this during the 1.4 patch's development, and at the time it was decided not to do anything about it - possibly an extra complication to calculate, but definitely changes the gameplay. i doubt you'll get it into 1.7, but there's no harm in petitioning. :)
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